HC-05 FC-114 and HC-06 FC-114. Part 3 – Master Mode and Auto Connect

Update 19.09.2015
The FC-114 boards I have have the Bolutek firmware. User DS has reported that he/she has FC-114 boards that have the linvorV1.8 firmware. So if the below does not work for you then check what firmware you have.

I may be missing something but I can not get the HC-05 FC-114 boards in to Master Mode and connect to other BT devices with just AT commands. The modules say they have accepted the commands, such as AT+ROLE1 but when I try to connect to other modules I get the error message “Can only be used in Lord Mode”.

The modules accept “AT+ROLE1” and report they have changed mode but they haven’t really.

In an earlier post I mentioned that it looks likes pin 27 or pin 28 has to be pulled HIGH to enter Master Mode and this does indeed seem to be the case. Everything I have tried without pulling the pin(s) HIGH has failed.

They reply with “OK” and if you interrogate with “AT+ROLE” they report “+ROLE=1” but they are actually still in Slave Mode.

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HC-05 FC-114 and HC-06 FC-114. Part 2 – Basic AT commands

Update 19.09.2015
The FC-114 boards I have have the Bolutek firmware. User DS has reported that he/she has FC-114 boards that have the linvorV1.8 firmware. So if the below does not work for you then check what firmware you have.

Since the HC-05 FC-114s and the HC-06 FC-11s share the same firmware the following should work on either module.

The default setting on start up is Slave Mode waiting for pairing or a connection and also accepting AT commands. This means it is fairly simply to start using AT commands.

HC-05 FC-114 & HC-06 FC-114_1200

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HC-05 FC-114 and HC-06 FC-114. First Look

I have just received some new HC-05 and HC-06 Bluetooth modules. These were sold as zs-040s which is the module I actually wanted but I received modules marked FC-114. They share the same breakout board as the zs-040 but have different pins soldered between the Bluetooth module and the breakout board and have a very different firmware.


The small push button switch still has traces to pin 34 and still pulls pin 34 HIGH, however, on the FC-114 boards, pin 34 is a regular IO pin and closing the button switch doesn’t do anything. On the zs-040 boards, closing the button switch and pulling pin 34 HIGH puts the modules in to AT mode. Since the FC-114 starts in AT mode this is no big loss.

It took me a while to figure out the differences.

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