Arduino, HM-10 and App Inventor 2

Update: The BLE extension included with the examples is out of date and does not function fully any more. Download the latest version from the app inventer BLE extention download and replace the existing extension. Do not delete the old version, upload the new version and it will over write the older version.

You can check the latest version of the BLE extension on the app inventor BLE page.

Hopefully this guide will give you a good introduction to using the HM-10 with App Inventor 2. I also hope that this takes you beyond the usual starter guides that do not go past very basic information.

Although I am using an Arduino the principles will be the same for any other microprocessor or indeed for using the HM-10 on its own. Warning: This is going to be a very long post.


To use this guide you should be somewhat familiar with App Inventor, have a BLE enabled Android device, and of course have an Arduino and a HM-10.

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ESP8266 and the Arduino IDE Part 4: Connecting to an ESP8266 with unknown IP address using mDNS

In the earlier parts we got the ESP8266’s IP address by displaying it in the serial monitor. This is OK for examples and development but not practical for real life projects. There are a few ways to get the IP address, here I look at mDNS. mDNS allows you use to connect to the ESP8266 using a name or url.

This sounds great, and it is unless you are an Android user. More on that later.

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