ESP8266 and the Arduino IDE Part 6: JavaScript and AJAX

ESP8266_6_01_360If you have followed the previous posts you will have a working, fairly robust, LED control. If you haven’t gone through the previous posts you can find links just below.

The webpage works well but the whole page reloads to update the button and controlling a single LED is not ground breaking. In this post I address the page reload by adding AJAX/JavaScript and in the next post I will add more controls.

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ESP8266 and the Arduino IDE Part 5: adding wifiManager


In the previous guides we connected the ESP8266 to a local network using hard coded credentials. It is fine for messing around with examples and when developing sketches but not very convenient or practicle for final projects.

What happens if you want to move the ESP8266 to another network or if you buy a new router? You need to change the sketch and re-upload. It would be better if we could pick the network to use at run time. This is exactly what WifiManager allows.

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