HC-05 with firmware 2.0-20100601

There are now many cheap and no brand HC-05 modules that use the 2.0-20100601 firmware and rather than keep making the same post for different modules I will have a single main post which, as I update and add to it, will become a single point of reference. The 2.0-20100601 firmware is originally by HC/Wavesen … Read more

HC-05 (ZG-B23090W) Bluetooth 2.0 EDR modules

The HC-05 (ZG-B23090W) uses a regular Bluetooth smd module based on the csr BC417 with a MX 29LV800CBXBI-70G flash memory chip. It appears to be using the HC/Wavesen 2010 firmware and a Google search for “HC-05 2.0-20100601” should give you plenty to read, including some of my older posts.   I have received a few … Read more

HC-05 FC-114 and HC-06 FC-114. Part 2 – Basic AT commands

Update 19.09.2015 The FC-114 boards I have have the Bolutek firmware. User DS has reported that he/she has FC-114 boards that have the linvorV1.8 firmware. So if the below does not work for you then check what firmware you have. Since the HC-05 FC-114s and the HC-06 FC-11s share the same firmware the following should … Read more

HC-05 FC-114 and HC-06 FC-114. First Look

I have just received some new HC-05 and HC-06 Bluetooth modules. These were sold as zs-040s which is the module I actually wanted but I received modules marked FC-114. They share the same breakout board as the zs-040 but have different pins soldered between the Bluetooth module and the breakout board and have a very … Read more

HC-05 fs-040 State Pin

This post follows on from Arduino With HC-05 Bluetooth Module in Slave Mode The STATE pin on the HC-05 zs050 board is connected to the LED 2 pin on the small bluetooth module and the LED 2 pin is used to indicate when there is an active connection. This means the Arduino can connect to … Read more

Using an Arduino Mega with a HC-05 zs-040 AT Mode

The Arduino Mega has 4 hardware serial channels so we do not need to use software serial, we can use one of the extra hardware serials to talk to the Bluetooth module. In the below example I using serial1 to talk to the HC-05.

Arduino with HC-05 (ZS-040) Bluetooth module – AT MODE

Since writing the below many more modules have been released using the zs-040 breakout boards. Some of the newer ones include modules with a version 3.0-20170601 firmware that work in a slightly different way. I still do not have any of these and so cannot help directly but searching for the firmware should get plenty … Read more

Arduino With HC-05 Bluetooth Module in Slave Mode

Arduino and HC-05 in communication mode Updated on 18.07.2015. Updated 01.12.2016 There are now newer HC-06s and HC-05s that use the zs-040 breakout boards. These new modules have a LED (usually blue) at the top left of the Bluetooth daughter board and have a different firmware to the below. See HC-06 hc01.comV2.0 for an introduction … Read more

HC-05 and HC-06 zs-040 Bluetooth modules. First Look

Update: If you have modules that have a blue LED in the top left hand corner then you have a newer model with a slightly different firmware although they should operate the same. I recently bought some HC05s and HC-06 Bluetooth modules. These are pretty standard, especially when using with the Arduino and I was … Read more

The Complete Guide To The HC-06

The below are the official/original H-06 modules from Guangzhou Huicheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. (HC Huicheng Information for short) / Wavesen. The latest version has firmware hc01.comV2.0 and a blue LED but there are still many of the older versions around with firmware linvorV1.8, no blue LED. Both work the same. The newer firmware has … Read more

Bluetooth Serial App

Android Bluetooth serial apps come and Android Bluetooth serial apps go. The app I used to use is no longer available in Google Play and I am now using Serial Bluetooth Terminal by Kai Morich. Google Play tells me there are in-app purchases, but, apart from a donate link, I can’t find anything (maybe it’s … Read more